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This is an example timeline of MS research thesis study to help guide planning.

 Quarter Year 1 Year 2
Fall PBC 450 (2 units)
PBC 451 (1 unit)
1 – 2 electives
Consider applying for research grants
Register for TGS 512
Work on research/dissertation
Winter PBC 499 (1 unit, requires form and permission number)
1 – 2 electives 
Consider applying for research grants
Register for TGS 512
Work on research/dissertation
Complete the ‘Application for Degree’ form in CAESAR if you plan to graduate in June

Course or Independent Study in Statistics/Data Science

PBC 499 (1 unit, requires form and permission number)
2 – 3 electives 
Form your thesis committee
Do thesis proposal*
Start research
Consider applying for research grants

Register for TGS 512
Complete ‘Master’s Degree Completion’ form in CAESAR if you plan to graduate in June
Defend thesis and graduate**
Summer The registration requirements may vary according to the student's individual situation (e.g. financial aid, visa status ). Contact the financial aid office, or the international office for more information. 
Work on research