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This is an example timeline of PhD study to help guide planning.

Year Fall Winter Spring Summer
Year 1 PBC 450 (2 units)
PBC 451 (1 unit)
1 elective (1 unit)

Up to 4 units elective 
PBC 590 

Stats/Data Sci req. (1 unit)

up to 3 elective units 
Form and meet with thesis committee

PBC 590

3 units of PBC 590 with advisor
Start preparing to apply for research grants
Year 2 1 elective (1 unit)
2 units of PBC 590
Apply for research grants
TA 1 quarter during year
1 elective (1 unit)
2 units of PBC 590
1 elective (1 unit)
2 units of PBC 590
Qualifying exam
Present in PBC seminar
3 units of PBC 590 with advisor
Year 3 Apply for NSF DDIG
TGS 500
Annual Review
TA 1 quarter during year
TGS 500
TGS 500
Present in PBC seminar
TGS 500
Year 4 TGS 500
TA 1 quarter during year Apply for research grants
Annual Review
TGS 500
TGS 500
Must have applied for an external research grant by now
Present in PBC seminar PA
TGS 500
Year 5 TGS 500
Annual Review
TGS 500
TGS 500
Defend thesis