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Taran Lichtenberger

MS student

Major advisor: Andrea Kramer, PhD

Research Interests: Science Communication, Restoration Ecology, Intraspecific Variation, and Seed Biology

Current Research: Impact of genotypic and functional trait richness on productivity in a priority restoration forb species (Machaeranthera canescens).


Past projects:

-Micropropagation optimization and functional trait analysis of native Colorado Plateau plant species.
-Seed trait measures and germination for prairie restoration.
-Functional trait diversity in prairie plant species.
-Re-establishment of rare arable plants on agricultural fields.


Foxx, A.J., Barak, R.S., Lichtenberger, T., Richardson, L.K., Rodgers, A.J., Williams, E.W., Evaluating the prevalence and quality of conference codes of conduct. PNAS, Published Online.

Barak, R.S., Lichtenberger, T.M., Wellman‐Houde, A., Kramer, A.T. and Larkin, D.J., 2018. Cracking the case: Seed traits and phylogeny predict time to germination in prairie restoration species. Ecology and Evolution8(11), pp.5551-5562.